about us

The Redform Design Studio was founded in 1996 . Exceptional professional experience in interior design and construction company which artist and Gábor Veres wood engineer , designer artist Peter Veres founded an interior designer .
Munkáikba to -be brother linked to Eva Veres goldsmith and her husband , sculptor Gábor Veres .
Professional experience are added to a family of artists .
“A beautiful proportions, color harmony, specific solutions have been around gyermekkorunktól age , influenced us. “
Gabor and Peter , and a third , also an artist siblings , Eva ‘s father Lajos Veres interior designer , designer , artist worth . Children of the approach , striving for perfection , a comprehensive reconsideration was handed down .
The result is a comprehensive family adottságából able to work , which is unique in Hungary .
The Redford Design Studio to design to construction phase almost all the work you carry out your own style and design plant in the studio . The execution of meticulous craftsmanship, use of quality materials as possible. Can easily accommodate houses, apartments, restaurants, offices full of furniture , special objects , construction of coverings .
“My 460 m2 plant constructor we created jewelry for quality, unique furniture, construction of special items , which is a masterpiece in every detail . The creations made the first thought of the last motif , we monitor improvement. Individual pieces can therefore carry the maturity, the marks perfect planned very well . “
Can easily accommodate houses, apartments, restaurants, offices full of furniture , special objects , construction of coverings .
Könnyen megbirkóznak házak, lakások, éttermek, irodák teljes bútorzatainak, speciális objektumainak, burkolatainak kivitelezésével.