Péter Veres

interior designer redform Peter Veres

Interior designer artist

He studied drawing in addition to learning from 1987 to Videoton design office began , which mainly work in graphic design , made ​​spectacular drawings. He learned to screen print the design and technical fundamentals of catching .

In 1989 he went to Window-dresser and decorator school , you did not complete (1990) has been due to the inclusion of the Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts . Sophomore age make its first furniture that is successfully in several exhibitions . 1994 graduates , and in 1996 the school master courses Master’s degree obtained .

 ” We are very excited that I was to be part of the implementation plan and continue to supervise , because the only way I can ensure that the quality of the finished on furniture that you dreamed the drawing board ! “

After the Master’s Degree in the acquisition, making continuous interior designs and furniture .

” In my works are often experimenting , technique and form my solutions combines the tradition of the unfamiliar , strive to use the finest materials , their harmony , not only formally , but also materially are timeless . “

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