Lajos Veres
Interior designer , artist designer should
Our respect and our love as a token of love to commemorate édesapánknak to whom we owe to our profession ‘s approach, hidden catches almost imperceptibly learned loving our families and the environment around us . Smaller more help in which knowledge of the use of proportions , colors, shapes elleshettük , and later when he let up even as a child , his works of what is besegíthessünk . At first detailed models of small , minor painting , technical drawings edit , extend, and complete modeling , visual preparation of drawings , more specific forms of development . Later, when our wings have their own space bontogattuk moderate retreat gave personal thoughts , plans, development , and only a few good words, drew lines indicated that this could also do so .
Gabor édesapánkkal worked with a diploma from the moment of his retirement Videoton .
In 1996, 72 years of age , when , after obtaining diploma brother Peter Redford founded the design studio , art consultant for the boys helped their business.
Our father was born Rudabánya 1924th August 11 th .
The Hungarian University of Fine Arts degree in 1953 . Teachers Kaesz Gyula
László Juhász , Ferenc Scheffer .
In 1953, the Hungarian Shipyard & Crane Factory ( MHD) ship Interior Designer , boats and floating cranes was an external designer .
From 1970 to Videoton formed at the request of the factory design office , which led until 1989.
Radios, televisions, stereo equipment , exhibitions were his hands.
The Videotontól retired , then as a freelancer banks, offices , shops interior design plans , and small items of furniture in a form plans.
1983-86 to the University of Sopron Forestry and Wood taught furniture design, furniture aesthetics.
From 1996 to Redford Design Studio’s artistic adviser .
2011th October 17 was passed to rest of his life .
State awards and honors
Munkácsy prize 1973rd
Artist of Merit awards 1990th
Merit Awards in 1979 , 80, 84 , 86, 87
1966th Shape , color and design , mechanical engineering II . (Figure 76-80 )
1972nd Industrial Arts 72/1 ( page 30 )
1973rd Industrial Arts 73/4 ( pages 15-18 ).
1976th Propaganda Advertising 76/IV , Sun (page 37-40 ).
1978th Koczogh Akos , In Praise of Fine Things (212 , 218 223.oldal )
1979th Joseph Vadas , The Art of Design in industry (p. 129 )
1982nd Industrial Design 82/2 (page 3-8 ).
1982nd Industrial Design 82/6 (page 12)
1983rd The Art History of Hungary, the Conquest to the present (p. 520 )
2004th Enthusiastic Peter ArtDesigner (A half-century Hungarian design )